
无损音乐 发布日期:2024/10/22 浏览次数:1


TAS SUPER SACD LIST唯一入选的弦乐四重奏录音,Párkányí Quartet, Ravel, Debussy: String Quartets..
Debussy: String Quartet in G minor Op. 10, Ravel: String Quartet inF

In The Dutch Music Magazine "Luister" you find the following review: A great release!

When the Orlando Quartet stopped playing in its originalconfiguration it was one of the world's greatest ensemble of thosedays. The Parkanyi Quartet started in 1998 with three of theoriginal members of the Orlando Quartet and a new cellist, MichaelMüller. It seems to me that they deserve the same highqualification now, as they play the quartets by Ravel and Debussyin a more than magnificent way. In relatively quiet tempi everymovement is built up with enormous tension. In Ravel the weightlies on the sentimental elements, in Debussy on conflict. Thetechnical capability of each musician is far beyond any doubt: thisis very powerful and often courageous playing. It is a difficulttask to surpass the famous performance by the Alban Berg Quartet,but this edition has every right to exist next to them. A greatrelease!
1 String Quartet in F major - (1. Allegro moderato - Très doux) -8:59
2 String Quartet in F major - (2. Assez vif. Très rythmé) -6:46
3 String Quartet in F major - (3. Très lent) - 9:26
4 String Quartet in F major - (4. Vif et agité) - 5:19
5 String Quartet, L. 85 (Op. 10) - (1. Animé ét très décidé) -6:51
6 String Quartet, L. 85 (Op. 10) - (2. Scherzo. Assez vif et bienrythmé) - 4:06
7 String Quartet, L. 85 (Op. 10) - (3. Andantino, doucementexpressif) - 7:59
8 String Quartet, L. 85 (Op. 10) - (4. Très modéré - Trèsmouvementé - Très animé) - 7:06



【TAS 发烧天书】Párkányí Quartet, Ravel,Debussy String Quartets[SACD-ISO] .rar


一文看懂荣耀MagicBook Pro 16
荣耀猎人回归!七大亮点看懂不只是轻薄本,更是游戏本的MagicBook Pro 16.
人们对于笔记本电脑有一个固有印象:要么轻薄但性能一般,要么性能强劲但笨重臃肿。然而,今年荣耀新推出的MagicBook Pro 16刷新了人们的认知——发布会上,荣耀宣布猎人游戏本正式回归,称其继承了荣耀 HUNTER 基因,并自信地为其打出“轻薄本,更是游戏本”的口号。