
无损音乐 发布日期:2024/10/24 浏览次数:1


艺人:Alison Krauss(艾莉森·克劳斯)
专辑名称:A Hundred Miles or More: A Collection
语种: 英语
地区: 美国
版本: 美版
专辑风格:乡村流行 Country Pop, 蓝草 Bluegrass


这张最新精选蒐罗了AlisonKrauss个人近年所有的重要作品,当时曾攻占Billboard专辑榜第十名,获得金唱片认证!专辑收录了AlisonKrauss之前为电影「冷山」演唱的两首歌曲〈The Scarlet Tide〉、〈You Will Be My Ain TrueLove〉(与Sting合唱,并获得当年奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲的提名)、〈Down to the River toPray〉(原收录於葛莱美年度专辑得主:「霹雳高手」电影原声带中);还有与民谣巨擘James Taylor合唱的〈How’s theWorld Treating You〉、原收录於乡村才子Brad Paisley专辑的〈WhiskeyLullaby〉等歌曲,Alison Krauss并与摇滚金嗓JohnWaite一起合唱Waite自己在80年代红极一时的抒情金曲〈MissingYou〉,作为此专辑的首发单曲,两人迷人的嗓音,碰撞出前所未有的化学效应!

A Hundred Miles or More: A Collection is a compilation album bycountry/bluegrass artist Alison Krauss. It was released on April 3,2007, and is a collection of new and old songs that Krauss hasrecorded. It features duets with Sting, Brad Paisley, John Waite,and James Taylor. The album debuted and peaked at #10 on the U.S.Billboard 200, and at #3 on the U.S. Top Country Albums, and #38 onthe UK Albums Chart.
Two singles were released from the album. The first, a cover songof the John Waite song, "Missing You", reached #34 on the HotCountry Songs chart. The second single, "Simple Love", failed tochart.


01:You're Just a Country Boy


02:Simple Love
03:Jacob's Dream
04:Away Down the Itiver
05:Sawing on the Strings
06:Down to the River to Pray
07:Baby Mine
08:Molly Ban (Bawn)
09:How's the World Treating You (duet with James Taylor)
10:The Scarlet Tide
11:Whiskey Lullaby (duet with Brad Paisley)
12:You Will Be My Ain True Love
13:I Give You to His Heart
14:Get Me Through December
15:Missing You (duet with John Waite)
16:Lay Down Beside Me (previously unreleased duet with JohnWaite)



Alison Krauss (艾莉森·克劳斯) - A Hundred Miles or More (ACollection) 美版 【2007】 专辑.zip


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