
无损音乐 发布日期:2024/10/23 浏览次数:1


格式: FLAC
公司:Sony Classical
安妮雅朵夫曼(Ania Dorfmann, 1899-1984)是茱莉亚音乐院有史以来最受崇敬的钢琴教授之一,而演奏录音工作也是她重要的成就之一。她1899年7月9日出生于俄国敖德萨(Odessa),安妮雅朵夫曼十一岁便举行个人第一场音乐会,而当时与她同台的则是另外一位天才儿童海飞兹(JaschaHeifetz)。1916-17年间,安妮雅于巴黎音乐院受教于IsidorPhilipp,之后她转往伦敦发展。1936年在纽约市政厅举行她个人在美国的首演,当时乐评一致推崇她清晰、快速的演奏技巧。
在纽约定居两年后,1939年安妮雅受邀与托斯卡尼尼及NBC交响乐团一同演出贝多芬的《合唱幻想曲》,这是托斯卡尼尼唯一一次指挥此曲。在演奏生涯之余,她也曾为好莱坞的电影演奏配乐,如1947年由芭芭拉史坦威(BarbaraStanwyck)主演的电影《雪山倩魂 》(The OtherLove)。1950年代,她受邀担任茱莉亚音乐院教授,1983年退休。1984年4月21日逝世于曼哈顿的自家公寓中。
Annia dorfmann (1899-1984) is one of the most respected pianoprofessors in the history of Juilliard Conservatory of music, andplaying and recording is also one of her important achievements.Born in Odessa, Russia, on July 9, 1899, annia doffman gave herfirst concert at the age of 11, while another gifted child, JaschaHeifetz, was on the stage with her. From 1916 to 17, annia wastaught by Isidor Philipp at the Paris Conservatory of music, beforemoving to London. In 1936, she gave her first performance in theUnited States at the New York City Hall. At that time, musiccritics unanimously praised her clear and fast performanceskills.
After settling in New York for two years, annia was invited toperform Beethoven’s “Choral Fantasia” with Toscanini and NBCSymphony Orchestra in 1939, which was the only time Toscaniniconducted the music. In addition to her playing career, she hasalso played music for Hollywood films, such as the other love,starring Barbara Stanwyck in 1947. She was invited to be aprofessor at the Juilliard conservatory in the 1950s and retired in1983. He died in his apartment in Manhattan on April 21,1984.
01.Waltz No. 1 in E-Flat Major, Op.18  Grande valsebrillante  
02.Waltz No. 9 in A -FlatMajor,  L’Adieu ,Op. 69 No.1       
03.Waltz No. 6 in D-Flat Major, Op. 64 No.1  MinuteWalz     
04.Waltz No. 8 in A-Flat Major, Op. 64 No.3               
05.Waltz No. 11 in G-Flat Major, Op. 70 No.1             
06.Waltz No. 12 in F Minor, Op. 70 No.2                 
07.Waltz No. 5 in A-Flat Major, Op.42                   
08.Waltz No. 10 in B Minor, Op. 62 No.2                 
09.Waltz No. 4 in F Major, Op. 34 no.3  Grande Valsebrillante
10.Waltz No. 3 in A Minor Op. 34, No.2  Grande Valsebrillante
11.Waltz in A-Flat Major, Op. 34, No.1  Valsebrillante       
12.Waltz No. 7 in C-Sharp Minor Op. 64 No.2               
13.Waltz No. 13 in D-Flat Major, Op. 70, No.3            
14.Waltz No. 14 in E Minor, Op.Posth   

【HIRES】安妮雅朵夫曼演奏肖邦圆舞曲 -索尼精选「Hi-Res/FLAC/96kHz/24bit」.rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-503545449-551336 (访问密码:559675)