
脚本专栏 发布日期:2024/10/24 浏览次数:1


1. 前沿


2. numpy.convolve

numpy.convolve(a, v, mode='full')

Returns the discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences.

The convolution operator is often seen in signal processing, where it models the effect of a linear time-invariant system on a signal [R17]. In probability theory, the sum of two independent random variables is distributed according to the convolution of their individual distributions.

If v is longer than a, the arrays are swapped before computation.


a : (N,) array_like

 First one-dimensional input array.

 v : (M,) array_like

 Second one-dimensional input array.

 mode : {‘full', ‘valid', ‘same'}, optional


  By default, mode is ‘full'. This returns the convolution at each point of overlap, with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the convolution, the signals do not overlap completely, and boundary effects may be seen.

  Mode same returns output of length max(M, N). Boundary effects are still visible.

  Mode valid returns output of length max(M, N) - min(M, N) + 1. The convolution product is only given for points where the signals overlap completely. Values outside the signal boundary have no effect.


out : ndarray

 Discrete, linear convolution of a and v.




> import numpy as np
> np_list = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
> np_list
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
> x = np.convolve(np_list, 2)
> x
array([ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18])
> x = np.convolve(np_list, [0.5, 0.5])
> x
array([ 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 4.5])

3. 移动均线计算

def moving_average(x, n, type='simple'):
 x = np.asarray(x)
 if type == 'simple':
  weights = np.ones(n)
  weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., n))

 weights /= weights.sum()

 a = np.convolve(x, weights, mode='full')[:len(x)]
 a[:n] = a[n]
 return a
 ma10 = moving_average(close_data, 10, 'simple')
 ma20 = moving_average(close_data, 20, 'simple')

 ax1.plot(data['date'], ma10, color='c', lw=2, label='MA (10)')
 ax1.plot(data['date'], ma20, color='red', lw=2, label='MA (20)')

4. 效果图



高通和谷歌日前宣布,推出首次面向搭载骁龙的Windows PC的优化版Chrome浏览器。
在对骁龙X Elite参考设计的初步测试中,全新的Chrome浏览器在Speedometer 2.1基准测试中实现了显著的性能提升。
预计在2024年年中之前,搭载骁龙X Elite计算平台的PC将面世。该浏览器的提前问世,有助于骁龙PC问世就获得满血表现。
谷歌高级副总裁Hiroshi Lockheimer表示,此次与高通的合作将有助于确保Chrome用户在当前ARM兼容的PC上获得最佳的浏览体验。