
网络编程 发布日期:2024/10/19 浏览次数:1

package coreservlets;

import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;

/** Creates a table showing the current value of each
* of the standard CGI variables.
* <P>
* Taken from Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
* from Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems Press,
* http://www.coreservlets.com/.
* &copy; 2000 Marty Hall; may be freely used or adapted.

public class ShowCGIVariables extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String[][] variables =
{ { "AUTH_TYPE", request.getAuthType() },
String.valueOf(request.getContentLength()) },
{ "CONTENT_TYPE", request.getContentType() },
getServletContext().getRealPath("/") },
{ "PATH_INFO", request.getPathInfo() },
{ "PATH_TRANSLATED", request.getPathTranslated() },
{ "QUERY_STRING", request.getQueryString() },
{ "REMOTE_ADDR", request.getRemoteAddr() },
{ "REMOTE_HOST", request.getRemoteHost() },
{ "REMOTE_USER", request.getRemoteUser() },
{ "REQUEST_METHOD", request.getMethod() },
{ "SCRIPT_NAME", request.getServletPath() },
{ "SERVER_NAME", request.getServerName() },
String.valueOf(request.getServerPort()) },
{ "SERVER_PROTOCOL", request.getProtocol() },
getServletContext().getServerInfo() }
String title = "Servlet Example: Showing CGI Variables";
out.println(ServletUtilities.headWithTitle(title) +
"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FDF5E6\">\n" +
"<H1 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" + title + "</H1>\n" +
"<TR BGCOLOR=\"#FFAD00\">\n" +
"<TH>CGI Variable Name<TH>Value");
for(int i=0; i<variables.length; i++) {
String varName = variables[0];
String varValue = variables[i][1];
if (varValue == null)
varValue = "<I>Not specified</I>";
out.println("<TR><TD>" + varName + "<TD>" + varValue);

/** POST and GET requests handled identically. */

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
doGet(request, response);
微软与英特尔等合作伙伴联合定义“AI PC”:键盘需配有Copilot物理按键
几个月来,英特尔、微软、AMD和其它厂商都在共同推动“AI PC”的想法,朝着更多的AI功能迈进。在近日,英特尔在台北举行的开发者活动中,也宣布了关于AI PC加速计划、新的PC开发者计划和独立硬件供应商计划。
在此次发布会上,英特尔还发布了全新的全新的酷睿Ultra Meteor Lake NUC开发套件,以及联合微软等合作伙伴联合定义“AI PC”的定义标准。