一个php Mysql类 可以参考学习熟悉下

网络编程 发布日期:2024/10/24 浏览次数:1

正在浏览:一个php Mysql类 可以参考学习熟悉下
复制代码 代码如下:
class Mysql
private $conn;
private $host;
private $username;
private $password;
private $dbname;
private $pconnect;
private $charset;

public function __construct(array $params = null)
if (!empty($params)) {
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
$this->$k = $v;

public function connect()
$fun = $this->pconnect ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect';
$this->conn = $fun($this->host, $this->username, $this->password);
$this->conn && $this->query('set names ' . $this->charset);
$this->conn && mysql_select_db($this->dbname, $this->conn);

public function getInstance()
return $this->conn;

public function query($sql)
return mysql_query($sql, $this->conn);

public function fetchOne($sql)
$data = $this->fetchRow($sql);
return $data[0];

public function fetchCol($sql)
$tmp = $this->fetchAll($sql, MYSQL_NUM);
foreach ($tmp as $v) {
$data[] = $v[0];

public function fetchRow($sql)
$result = $this->query($sql);
$data = mysql_fetch_row($result);
return $data;

public function fetchAssoc($sql)
$result = $this->query($sql);
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $data;

public function fetchAll($sql, $type = MYSQL_ASSOC)
$result = $this->query($sql);
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result, $type)) {
$data[] = $tmp;
return $data;

public function fetchPairs($sql)
$result = $this->query($sql);
while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$data[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
return $data;


public function insert($table, array $bind)
$cols = array();
$vals = array();
foreach ($bind as $col => $val) {
$cols[] = $col;
$vals[] = $val;
$sql = "INSERT INTO "
. $table
. ' (`' . implode('`, `', $cols) . '`) '
. 'VALUES (\'' . implode('\', \'', $vals) . '\')';

$stmt = $this->query($sql, $this->conn);
$result = $this->affectedRows();
return $result;

public function getLastInsertId()
return mysql_insert_id($this->conn);

public function affectedRows()
return mysql_affected_rows($this->conn);

public function update($table, array $bind, $where = '')
$set = array();
foreach ($bind as $col => $val) {
$set[] = '`' . $col . "` = '" . $val . "'";

$sql = "UPDATE `"
. $table
. '` SET ' . implode(', ', $set)
. (($where) ? " WHERE $where" : '');

$stmt = $this->query($sql, array_values($bind));
$result = $this->affectedRows();
return $result;

public function delete($table, $where = '')
* Build the DELETE statement
$sql = "DELETE FROM "
. $table
. (($where) ? " WHERE $where" : '');

* Execute the statement and return the number of affected rows
$stmt = $this->query($sql);
$result = $stmt ? mysql_affected_rows($this->conn) : $stmt;
return $result;

public function close()
$this->conn && mysql_close($this->conn);
高通和谷歌日前宣布,推出首次面向搭载骁龙的Windows PC的优化版Chrome浏览器。
在对骁龙X Elite参考设计的初步测试中,全新的Chrome浏览器在Speedometer 2.1基准测试中实现了显著的性能提升。
预计在2024年年中之前,搭载骁龙X Elite计算平台的PC将面世。该浏览器的提前问世,有助于骁龙PC问世就获得满血表现。
谷歌高级副总裁Hiroshi Lockheimer表示,此次与高通的合作将有助于确保Chrome用户在当前ARM兼容的PC上获得最佳的浏览体验。