ASP.NET Core中间件计算Http请求时间示例详解

网络编程 发布日期:2024/10/15 浏览次数:1

正在浏览:ASP.NET Core中间件计算Http请求时间示例详解

ASP.NET Core通过RequestDelegate这个委托类型来定义中间件

public delegate Task RequestDelegate(HttpContext context);


public static IApplicationBuilder Use(this IApplicationBuilder app, Func<HttpContext, Func<Task>, Task> middleware);

public static IApplicationBuilder UseMiddleware<TMiddleware>(this IApplicationBuilder app, params object[] args);

通过定义一个中间件类 来计算http请求的时间,例:

public class ResponseTimeMiddleware
  // Name of the Response Header, Custom Headers starts with "X-" 
  private const string RESPONSE_HEADER_RESPONSE_TIME = "X-Response-Time-ms";
  // Handle to the next Middleware in the pipeline 
  private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
  public ResponseTimeMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
    _next = next;
  public Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
    // Start the Timer using Stopwatch 
    var watch = new Stopwatch();
    context.Response.OnStarting(() => {
      // Stop the timer information and calculate the time  
      var responseTimeForCompleteRequest = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
      // Add the Response time information in the Response headers.  
      context.Response.Headers[RESPONSE_HEADER_RESPONSE_TIME] = responseTimeForCompleteRequest.ToString();
      return Task.CompletedTask;
    // Call the next delegate/middleware in the pipeline  
    return this._next(context);



一文看懂荣耀MagicBook Pro 16
荣耀猎人回归!七大亮点看懂不只是轻薄本,更是游戏本的MagicBook Pro 16.
人们对于笔记本电脑有一个固有印象:要么轻薄但性能一般,要么性能强劲但笨重臃肿。然而,今年荣耀新推出的MagicBook Pro 16刷新了人们的认知——发布会上,荣耀宣布猎人游戏本正式回归,称其继承了荣耀 HUNTER 基因,并自信地为其打出“轻薄本,更是游戏本”的口号。